Aug 232011

When printing from Internet Explorer the web page is printed as HTML code instead of as the rendered web page.

According to online forums and a few quick searches it looks like it is commonly caused by AOL or Windows Updates.

The HTM and HTML file associations have become incorrect and need to be fixed. In the registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.htm the (Default) key should be set to htmlfile. In my case the .htm key didn’t exist and creating (by saving a web page as a .htm file, going to the file’s properties and changing the program to IE) and then setting it to htmlfile switched the problem from printing code to nothing. Under Internet Explorer Options menu on the Programs tab select the button to make Internet Explorer the Default browser. This should fix the problem and printing along with print view should show the rendered webpage instead of the raw code.

Feb 202011

If you want to setup a RAID array without having to reinstall Windows, all you need to do is install Intel Storage Matrix and update a few registry keys.

  1. Download and install Intel Storage Matrix.
  2. Modify the key named “Start” in each of these locations to 0
    More info is available in the Microsoft KB article
  3. Restart your computer and enable AHCI in the BIOS.
    Your computer should restart without any problems. Once you’ve logged in you should see Windows installing drivers for AHCI.
  4. Open regedit again and change Start to 3
  5. Restart your computer and change your BIOS from AHCI to RAID. Windows should load without any problems and install the RAID drivers without having to reinstall.
Jul 262009

After installing a fresh version of Windows 7, I went to update the drivers and check device manager. None of my drivers downloaded from the manufacturer’s site would install, just the included utilities. ATI CCC would launch, but the main window wouldn’t display. After a bit of Googling, I found out Windows 7 was installing it’s own drivers. I went to device manager and expanded Display Adapters and sure enough, both (2 video cards installed) had Microsoft in parenthesis after them. I hit uninstall and removed them, scanned for new hardware changes, and as soon as I did, Windows reinstalled them. I tryed uninstalling them and using the ATI installer, right before it completed, Windows put its own back in. I checked in Process Explorer to see id I could end Windows driver installer, and sure enough, it kept launching as soon as a driver was uninstalled. I made a simple batch file that continually ended drvinst.exe and that fixed held back Windows long enough to get the right drivers installed.

The Process:

Computer Management > Device Manager
Launch no_driver.bat
Uninstall Windows Drivers
Scan for changes
Right click the device that shows up without drivers (with /!\ on it)
Browse my computer
Point to the location of your driver (You’ll need to extract the Windows 7 drivers to a folder. ATI will extract all the files to C:\ATI and then start the installer [exit the installer if CCC and utilities are already installed)
Exit out of no_driver.bat
Windows will install the “real” drivers
Restart and everything should be working well.

How to Tell if it’s a Windows Driver:

Windows drivers normally have something in parenthesis after the name of the device. To double check, open properties and go to the Driver tab. Now can tell if it’s Windows when the “Driver Provider” is “Microsoft”

Why you don’t want Windows Drivers:

The drivers, being Windows own, don’t work with manufacturer’s utilities. This prevents modifications, and most importantly, features like Crossfire. Even ATI Tray Tools needs ATI’s real drivers.

Why Windows Installs its own Drivers:

Windows installs these for novices users that don’t understand how to install them manually. In addition they are most likely trying to prevent users from complaining about their old hardware not being supported.

What if Windows can’t find drivers, and there are Vista drivers I want to use?

Make sure you have the driver extracted in a folder (the INF, sys and cat file and others would indicate the folder with the driver). Download a tool called DSEO. This tool puts Windows into test mode (which was designed to test driver signing) allowing you to use unsigned drivers (ATITool or ATI Tray Tools) and drivers for Vista. Launch the tool and select the first option “Enable Test Mode.” Hit next until you reach the menu again. When you reboot, the watermark in the bottom right will be back, you can disable this now. If you have a driver you need to sign, you can use that option (such as ATITool and ATI Tray Tools). Exit when finished and restart. You can now use Vista drivers (although you can’t right click and select install). You’ll have to install them through device manager, meaning you may have to use the above procedure to remove Windows own drivers.

no_driver.bat contains:

echo off
taskkill /im drvinst.exe /f
goto loop